Lux de caelo natus est nobis

Første søndag i advent, år C

Redaksjonen i OP Dacia ønsker alle lesere en velsignet advent. Denne første søndagen publiserer vi et dikt av Damian Magrath OP fra samlingen Oranges from Dominic’s Tree.


Light and dark

Lux de caelo natus est nobis

We are always walking in the dark

thinking it is daylight

not seeing what we do not see.


We are always opening our eyes

to the dawn of an horizon where the sun sets as we approach

blind leaders of the blind deceived by sight.


We need to turn around to the true light

which we think is darkness,

to see without seeing

through the eyes of another,

to walk towards that horizon

holding hands like lovers.


All will be well…


Damian Magrath was born in Bradford, England and entered the Dominican Order in 1936. From 1948 until his death in 1982 he ministered in South Africa where he taught theology, wrote theological articles and poems and served in provincial administration. His poems were published as Poems: When Time and Meaning are One. (Introduction from Oranges from Dominic’s Tree)

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